Indy Mayhem Show 206: Duddersview: John McChesney, Franklin O’Neal, Ophidian and Dan Hooven
We sent Dudders backstage at IWC Night of the Superstars 7 in Meadville, PA. John McChesney talks about hosting the event that he’s always main evented, getting injured against Adam Cole last summer, and what to expect in his big come back. Illustrator Franklin talks with us about how he got started with the wrestling illustrations, being a fan, coffee. Ophidian and Dudders have a moment discussing his main event with Jason Gory agains DJ Z and Rey Mysterio, butts, cats, and arugula. Dan Hooven returns to the show to discuss cats, his match at Night of the Superstars, coffee, Chest Flexor, and Napoleon Syndrome.
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