Home » Indy Mayhem Show » Indy Mayhem Show 85: Bar-Jutsu
Bar- Jutsu

Indy Mayhem Show 85: Bar-Jutsu

Bar Jutsu the American Art of Bar FightingJames Matthew of Bar Jutsu joins us to talk about the martial arts concept that led to the book and his days as a pro wrestler, running with New Jack, why he left the business and a TON of great stories about connecting with people in the business including Tammy “Sunny” Sytch!

Then, Antonia Garza of TheWrestlingRevolution.com joins us to talk about Pro Wrestling Guerilla’s “Battle of Los Angeles” weekend event, and Eamon Paton (@eamon2please) of Inspire Pro Wrestling begins a new segment talking about the “most indy” thing you’ve seen lately.

Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at[email protected]

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)

Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

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