Indy Mayhem Show: Dash Bennett
We are joined by Honorable Fight Council member Dash Bennett to talk about his path into professional wrestling in West Virginia, experiences at shows in the 90’s, coming to Pittsburgh for Pro Wrestling XPress/NWA East, one of the many times the Gambino Brothers had the police called on them, Jimmy Demarco and poo, Gregory Iron, leaving wrestling, and his recent return to the ring and being a contributor to Fight Underground, and more!
Follow the Wrestling Mayhem Show Patreon for an additional interview where Dash Bennett talks about his childhood and grownup interactions with Buff Bagwell, the Lego Deathmatch with Chest Flexor and Five Star Wrestling. You can contribute as little as $1 to listen at www.patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow !
See Fight Underground and Dash Bennett in action at www.indywrestling.us !