Mad Mike Reviews TNA: What Happened?
Greetings Mayhemmers, since I’m the guy who watches TNA the most as the main hosts on this show, but we never seem to talk about it (mainly because it sucks) I decided to at least use my journalistic integrity and live blog about it each week. This will be written live as I watch Impact, so enjoy!
Segment 1: Recap,Match 1: Bully Ray Vs. Joseph Park, Sting segment
- Holy tits Christy Hemme.
- Oh my God…Bully is tweeting during his match!
- You know Destination X was so good because Hogan was nowhere near it
- Wow the classic sack o tacks
- Cheese grater to the groin, that’s certainly a new one
- Wow white trash guy in the front row is not happy
- Nice job Impact fans, “That was you” chant
- Dead man’s hand? I guess that’s what Aces and Eights are called
Segment 2: Bully segment, Match 2: Samoa Joe Vs. RVD, Claire segment
- “Who was that?” Fantastic stuff, I’m reinterested in this feud again
- This is how Joe should always be booked
- Nice reversal by RVD there to get the win
- Um….she’s pregnant, should she be smoking?
Segment 3: Daniels/Kaz segment
- This crowd isn’t booing because you’re heels, they’re booing because this story sucks
- “You got precious cargo in there” nice one Frankie
- So Claire is gonna get shoved down and lose the baby eventually right?
- Wow….there’s an actual Jerry Springer chant going now, Jesus end this shit
Segment 4: Segmentpalooza
- Great so AJ still has cheated on his wife
- Coming of age story for Shiima, I love it
- Shiima did the Zoltan sign
- So…I guess Darsow got signed….
Segment 5: Match 3: Shiima Vs Darsow
- Shiima as the new heel of the X Division is an awesome thing
- Oh man and now he’s gonna try and injure everyone, that’s fantastic
- Shiima is so F’N good
Segment 6: A Double segment, Hogan/Sting segment
- Wow basically a CM Punk shout out…that’s awesome
- Hahahaha Roode stared at the idiot making a backwards L
- Hogan definitely doesn’t know Devon’s name
Segment 7: Angle segment, Maddy segment, Match 4: Hooters Vs. Gail
- Why the hell are they building up Anderson?
- I love Madison’s explanation for the crush
- God I hate Brooke Hogan
- Can we actually talk about the match instead of just talking about Brooke?
- Hey Hooters, you should still sell after you win the match
Segment 8: Claire…again, Magnus segment, Match 5: Anderson Vs Angle
- God…this is so fucking stupid
- So the final two matches in the BFG Series are gonna be based on points again? Ugh.
- This is still just another generic Angle/Anderson match
Segment 9: Match cont, Roode segment
- White trash guy in intensely watching this match
- So I’m guessing Devon showing up in Hogan’s office was his title defense for the week
- Jesus, odd to see how Main Events, guys get PPV muscles now
- Oh I’m mistaken, only Angle gets PPV muscles….Anderson doesn’t…..because he’s a jobber
Segment 10: Roode segment, Sting segment
- Roode Vs. Aries next week again…not bad
- Excuse me did anyone lose their grandpa? He’s covered in facepaint and swinging a bat at orderlies
- So Hogan was assaulted backstage wasn’t he?
- So this is the invasion from Ring Ka King isn’t it?
- Doesn’t TNA have ENOUGH people on their show? I mean seriously they can’t even put Devon on every week like they said they would
TNH8 Scale
Logic: 1 Lagana out of 5 (Claire and Aces and Eights are just awful)
Wrestling: 3.5 Laganas out of 5
Overall: 4.5 Laganas out of 10