Mad Mike Reviews Total Divas: Breast In The World
Well since neither Bella is dating a champion right now, and this is running directly against Summerslam…I wonder who has even seen this episode. But here we go!
Segment 1
- Oh we open with lingerie shopping….lovely
- Sweet Jeebus
- Heh the Bellas don’t even get a separate intro
- Hahahahahaha Brie hates implants
- Ariane….stop fucking trying to make catch phrases
- “ching ching” “the bomb dot com” both of these phrases need to die
- Bryan’s incredulous look when Brie says she needs to lose weight is amazing
- Is Tyson really watching WWE? Wow.
- Ha! He’s watching Extreme Rules, and Nattie doesn’t want to watch it
- Nattie really could have approached that better…
Segment 2
- 20 days without booze, Nikki is gonna be even more horrible
- Ariane is pretty much everything I hate about women rolled up into one lol
- Jon Uso stuck in the back of the car, needs to be a new meme
- Embarrassed Jon Uso is my new spirit animal
- Are Nattie and Tyson even engaged?
- Also what kind of career is Tyson really that anxious to get back to? Jobbing with Justin Gabriel?
Segment 3
- I want to stab Ariane in the neck…she’s the most immature person on a show with the Bellas
- The AC in Nikki’s apartment works well
- It’s a fun karmic roller coaster to see Nikki be upset people call her fat, when THAT’S ALL THEIR CHARACTERS EVER DO
- I’m pretty sure a 20 day juicing fast for someone who hasn’t done it before is a lot to ask for
- Ariane should probably talk to WWE if she is going to get surgery that requires at least a month’s recovery
Segment 4
- Seeing the Bellas argue about being fat makes me want to see Mickie James spin kick them
- The Bella twins not looking identical is basically their whole gimmick
- Tyson isn’t stupid…he’s Canadian
Segment 5
- This episode needs more Sara Del Ray
- Ariane clearly doesn’t recognize that the boobs won’t bounce that much when they are actually attached
- Oh please for the love of crap tell me a Bella stole the boob
Segment 6
- Ariane without padding looks like an eight year old gymnast
- Yessssssssss and it’s the evil Bella too so I laugh
- Cena is such a boy scout, I love it
Segment 7
- All of them rubbing their own boobs is a great way to end any show
- Oh finally Tyson is shown not to be a moron