Mayhem Mania 2019: Round 2
This. is. Mayhem Mania!
Not quite a game. Not really a contest. More like a competitive thought experiment. The object is to create the best WrestleMania card possible – NOT necessarily to predict what WWE will do.
This is not fantasy booking. It’s more like reality booking. Any match created must have at least a chance of happening in this year’s WrestleMania. That means all wrestlers come in their current physical, emotional and contractual state. Anyone selected for a match must have a reasonable chance of being hired by WWE to appear on the real-life WrestleMania card.
Simply put, you’re Vince McMahon with infinite cash and no self-control.
For those of you who are just joining us, here’s where you can catch up on Mayhem Mania 2019: Opening Round – Round 1
Round 2 of Mayhem Mania 2019 was held during the Wrestling Mayhem Show on Tuesday, February 5. 5 people were invited to each make a single change to our existing card of 8 matches. Here’s how it went down.
Move 1 (by Brandon Mynatt)
DELETE Trish Stratus vs. Alexa Bliss and CREATE Chelsea Green vs. Nikki Cross
Move 2 (by Ty Cross)
SWAP Lars Sullivan for WALTER
Move 3 (by Dave Podnar)
SWAP Braun Strowman for Ricochet
Move 4 (by The Rizz)
SWAP John Cena for Triple H
Move 5 (by RYSE Wrestling Head of Talent Marcus Mann)
DELETE Sanity vs. Gallus and CREATE Seth Rollins vs. Charlotte Flair
With Round 2 now in the books, here are the 5 newly created matches on our card.
Ricochet vs. Tyler Bate vs. Cesaro vs. Dean Ambrose
(Created by Dave Podnar)

EC3 vs. Triple H
(Created by The Rizz)

Chelsea Green vs. Nikki Cross
(Created by Brandon Mynatt)

Drew McIntyre vs. WALTER vs. Samoa Joe
(Created by Ty Cross)

Seth Rollins vs. Charlotte Flair
(Created by RYSE Wrestling Head of Talent Marcus Mann)

And here are the 3 matches that survived Round 2 without being altered in any way.



Any match that survives 3 consecutive weeks without being altered in any way will graduate to our SUPERCARD, opening up a new slot for new match ideas.
A bounty of ELIMINATORS have already been awarded based on the results of our Royal Rumble Challenge. ELIMINATORS allow a player to eliminate any single person from being used at all during this year’s Mayhem Mania. An ELIMINATOR can be used at any time once it’s been earned. Here’s the list of who’s been eliminated thus far.
- Ric Flair
- Jeff Jarrett
- Brock Lesnar
- Drake Maverick
There will be another chance to earn ELIMINATORS in our upcoming Elimination Chamber Challenge! Details on that will be revealed during the next round of Mayhem Mania.
Join us next week, when five more players will make more changes to our existing card. Which matches do you want to see changed? Which ones are destined for the SUPERCARD? Share your feedback and thanks for supporting Mayhem Mania.
As always, infinite thanks to Antonio Garza from TheWrestlingRevolution.com for the awesome match graphics and to Larry from Dark Forge Studios for forging the white board that we’re using in studio during the Wrestling Mayhem Show.
Now, here’s another episode of the HOTTEST show on internet: TALKING Mayhem Mania!
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[…] For those of you who are just joining us, here’s where you can catch up on Mayhem Mania 2019: Opening Round – Round 1 – Round 2 […]
[…] us, here’s where you can catch up on Mayhem Mania 2019: Opening Round – Round 1 – Round 2 – Round 3 – Round […]
[…] us, here’s where you can catch up on Mayhem Mania 2019: Opening Round – Round 1 – Round 2 – Round 3 – Round 4 – Round 5 – Round […]