Home » Show Description » Wrestling Mayhem Show 276: Curly Bill and His Whore-ding Rangers

Wrestling Mayhem Show 276: Curly Bill and His Whore-ding Rangers

DJLunchbox, Mad Mike, The WrestleFan and Sorg are back and blown away about the CM Punk promo from RAW slamming WWE on his way out.  Or are we?  Plus we talk about TNA IMPACT and if wrestling really matters.

We are joined this week by Jon Towers and David Fairhead, creators of the upcoming comic WZSA, World Zombie Wrestling Association, the prospect of zombies and wrestling, explore the world of wrestling comics, including those from WWE and WCW, and real zombies in wrestling.  Find out more about their current projects at jonnyaxx.com

This is Episode 276 for Tuesday, June 21, 2011. You can get the episode here on TalkshoeBlip.tv subscribe to the audio or video versions on iTunes, look us up on YoutubeRoku, or Boxee, and as always, stay tuned to www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern on live.sorgatronmedia.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com!


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