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Wrestling Mayhem Show 311: Wrestling QVC

Sorg is joined by Chachi, Rizz, Bobby F J-Town, Wheelz, and our favorite MexiCanadian Wrestle Fan. This week, we’re talking about WWE’s pandering over-hype (including a Rock garden gnome find), Mad Mike’s upcoming trip to see Morrison, the Ultimate Warrier and more on the indy circuit, as well as the ROH 10-year anniversary, and Wrestle Fan’s interest in women’s wrestling. We have a recap of last weekend’s muscle worshiping (as per last week’s guest interview). Local fed, IWC, mentioned by CM Punk on Twitter in conjunction with a video compilation he’s working on. Chachi professes his appreciation for Pedro, and his concerns as a camera man for a lumberjack match. We’ve been talking about the Zombies vs. Wrestlers, and they made their $30,000.00 – the project is closer to happening. There are some sweet bulges in wrestling, and so much more!

Our interview this week is with Bingo O’Malley. We talk with him about the new Kurt Angle movie, which Sorg and LB had a chance to check out last week. Check out the show for more details, plus more surprises!

You can get this episode here on TalkshoeBlip.tv, subscribe to the audio or video versions on iTunes, look us up on YoutubeRoku, or Boxee, and as always, stay tuned to www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8:30 PM to 10 PM Eastern on live.sorgatronmedia.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com!


WMS Gold Bonus Content: It’s a very Brady Mayhem Show, and so much more.


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