Wrestling Mayhem Show 385: Together We Have A Big Show Cry…
On episode 385 of the Wrestling Mayhem Show, DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Eamon (@eamon2please), straw poll winner Jessica (@LegKickTKO) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron) talk pro wrestling. On this weeks show:
- The cast talks some fantasy booking. Where are the current angles going?
- Has Hogan been given enough power to make TNA better? The cast discusses.
- What do you want in your wrestler: a talker or a good worker? The cast examines this question.
- DJ Lunchbox and Jessica read “The Ballad of Allen Jones.”
- What faction past or present, would you want to help Daniel Bryan? Find out who the cast would have save Bryan!
- Who will be called up next from NXT? The crew gives their thoughts on this question.
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- In the indy minute this week, we talk about Inspire Pro Wrestling, which featured Eamon! -Kyle O’Reilly won the PWG Battle of Los Angeles tournament. -Who is The Mount Rushmore of Professional Wrestling? Eamon lets you know! -Lastly, ROH will be in Chattanooga and Birmingham on September 6th and 7th, friend of the show Ray Rowe will be featured!
- In remember when this week, the crew thinks back to some moments featuring the Big Show at his worst! DJ Lunchbox remembers a Big Show/Kurt Angle moment, Sorg remembers The Big Bossman stealing Big Show’s dad’s coffin, Eamon remembered a moment where his mom got to see Big Show get his head shaved, Jessica remembers Alberto Del Rio hitting him with a car and a racial slur Big Show might have said once.
- Mad Mike gives a moment of madness to the world!
- Ryback going corporate, What to do with Big Show, Twitter issues, Chris Jericho and sex robots, the Mayhem Show discusses these topics!
- Baby Big Show, watching NXT and what we learned from wrestling! The Mayhem Show does a “roundtable”!
- Make sure to check us out live at 9 PM on live.sorgatronmedia.com and follow us on Twitter @mayhemshow !
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