Wrestling Mayhem Show 390: Put It Away!
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 390, we have our cast featuring DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Eamon (@eamon2please) Mike (@madmike4883) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron). On this weeks show:
- We discuss if we the people are beginning to become Real American fans.
- We discuss Ethan coming to TNA Wrestling.
- We talk about what wrestlers our cast would love to give an overhaul.
- The cast discusses what surprise entrants they would want for Royal Rumble.
- The indy minute is here! We talk Wrestling is Awesome, an Inspire Pro Wrestling “Quick and The Dead” show on October 13th, RWA “Bloody Harvest” on October 12th and a CZW/WSU double-header event on October 12th which is also iPPV accessible!
- In Remember When? our memories of moments that excited us in professional wrestling are discussed.
- The cast takes their sides on the Battleground PPV.
- We talk about how we feel about R-Truth.
- We have a roundtable discussion on a variety of wrestling related topics, and let the world know what we learned from wrestling!
- Purchase our app for $1.99 for the most mayhem possible. You will not regret it!
If you have questions, comments or concerns related to wrestling, e-mail us at [email protected] !
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Most importantly, check out our Website at wrestlingmayhemshow.com and view us live every Tuesday around 9 PM at live.sorgatronmedia.com !