Wrestling Mayhem Show 394: 50 Shades of Vegan
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 394, we have our cast featuring Mad Michael (@madmike4883) Eamon (@eamon2please) Bobby (@bobbyfjtown) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron). On this weeks show:
- We talk about our favorite gimmick matches.
- We talk about taboo angles in pro wrestling.
- Business Kane. Do we like him?
- We give suggestions of what a Daniel Bryan-CM Punk team should be called.
- We have an indy minute featuring Chikara Happenings, IWC Combat in Clearfield, RWA Open Season 5 and ACW Fun Fun Fun Fest.
- We dive more into Chikara Wrestling.
- We remember our favorite Survivor Series teams!
- We have a roundtable discussion on a variety of wrestling related topics, and let the world know what we learned from wrestling!
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