Wrestling Mayhem Show 396: Six is Too Many
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 396, we have our cast featuring DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox) Mad Mike (@madmike4883), Jessica (@legkicktko) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron). On this weeks show:
- We talk about RAW Country! Did we like it?
- What would you like to see Hulk Hogan do if he were on the indie scene?
- We talk Rey Mysterio and if he can transition to more of a mat wrestler.
- We talk about Daniel Bryan and the current WWE story lines.
- The crew talks about their favorite wrestler returning from an injury moment.
- What wrestler do you want to see brought into the WWE machine? The crew gives their answers!
- We talk about some giant sized wrestlers that might fill the void when The Big Show and Great Khali retire.
- We have an indy minute featuring IWC (with Matt Striker),2CW and more!
- We remember some infamous heel turns in wrestling history.
- We talk the Survivor Series card and what we expect to happen at the PPV.
- We have a roundtable discussion on a variety of wrestling related topics, and let the world know what we learned from wrestling!
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