Wrestling Mayhem Show 408: It’s Not TV…It’s WWE…
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 408, we have our cast featuring Bobby (@bobbyfjtown), Matt Carlins (@mattcarlins) Rizz (@theerizz) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron)!
- We talk about the first things we watched on the WWE Network.
- We talk about the Wolves winning the TNA tag titles.
- We talk about mid-card matches we want at Wrestlemania.
- We have a roundtable featuring:
- Remember When: We remember the best starts to Wrestlemania feuds.
- We talk about our problems and complaints with the WWE Network.
- We tell the world what we learned from wrestling this week.
Also remember to:
If you have questions, comments or concerns related to wrestling, e-mail us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.
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Most importantly, check out our Website at wrestlingmayhemshow.com and view us live every Tuesday around 9 PM at live.sorgatronmedia.com !