Wrestling Mayhem Show 429: Hitting Each Other For Fun and Profit
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 429, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- Our excitement and thoughts on John Cena and Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. – 9:40
- The Stephanie McMahon “arrest” and the lack of media coverage about it. – 19:40
- DJ Lunchbox sounds off further on the “arrest”.
- Wrestlers as mythological characters.
- Some Iron Sheik news.
- Remember When: We remember patriotic angles in pro wrestling. – 37:30
- DJ Lunchbox rants on WWE’s handling of the Lana/Rusev promo.- 55:30
- ROH/Marvel crossover? – 1:11:53
- What we learned from wrestling. – 1:13:32
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