Wrestling Mayhem Show 455: Roman Reigns Supreme
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 455, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- Discussion on the announcement from RAW. 4:33
- Our thoughts on if winning the Royal Rumble matters anymore.
- Comparing Roman Reigns to other fast risers in WWE history.
- Discussion on why Chyna is not in the WWE Hall of Fame and the Triple H on Stone Cold Podcast 21:16
- Dan Hinkles talking about his developing video game: 5 Star Wrestling.
- The Big Question: If Daniel Bryan was not around, would there still have been a Royal Rumble problem? 58:37
- Talk about the road to TNA Lockdown. 1:16:45
- The 3rd installment of Mayhem Mania. 1:27:00
- What we learned from wrestling.
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