Wrestling Mayhem Show 461: John Cena Tea Party
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 461, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- How the WWE has educated the fans on Sting.
- The rise of the intercontinental and US championships.
- The Big Question: What are your requirements for acceptance in the WWE Hall of Fame? Based on your requirements, who would you put in?
- Mad Mike talks about the latest going ons at TNA Wrestling.
- Another edition of Mayhem Mania!
- What we learned from wrestling.
Also make sure to:
Share your feelings with us via e-mail at [email protected]
Help out the show with a donation! Go to patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow
Follow our stable on Twitter: Alex Khars (powertothesmarks.com), Rizz (@theerizz), Shireman (@wrestlegenius), Matt Carlins (@mainstreamMat), Eamon (@eamon2please), Mad Mike (@madmike4883) and Mike Sorg (@mikesorg).
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
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