Wrestling Mayhem Show 493: Intellectual Kane
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 493, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- On this week’s show we discuss fallout after Hell In A Cell.
- We’re discussing the Undertaker and Kane angles with the Wyatts after both brothers of the dark are taken away.
- Discussing our Survivor Series thoughts and predictions.
- Jerry Lawler threw a fireball at Terry Funk. Must be Halloween!
- Discussing Breaking Ground and how it changes how we see professional wrestling.
- What do you think of Breaking Ground’s choice of William Shatner as the voice of the show?
- Biggest of big questions: A lot of blood at Hell In A Cell. Is there still a place for blood in wrestling today?
- We’re discussing the return of Zeb Colter and Alberto DelRio.
- We wrap up with what we learned in wrestling this week.
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