Wrestling Mayhem Show 534: Certified Hard G
This week:
- WWE SummerSlam vs NXT Takeover Brooklyn II: Who did it better?
- Mad Mike discusses seeing Takeover live in person. Bobby Roode’s entrance, Nakamura’s entrance, best match of the weekend and more!
- WWE is cracking down on Twitter GIFS. Was it a mistake?
- Big Question: Do you think “big bumps” are necessary in light of Finn Balor and Sasha Banks’ injuries?
- Where should one play the amazing Bobby Roode theme song?
- We discuss the potential new LGBT character from WWE RAW?
- We learned things in wrestling this week!
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Follow our stable on Twitter: Eamon Paton (@eamon2please, Inspire Pro), Rizz (@theerizz, Rizz Plays Games), Alex Kahrs (Chikarain15.com) , Mad Mike (@madmike4883) and Michael Sorg (@sorgatron, sorgatronmedia.com)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)
Thanks to our Awesome Patreons Bodiggity (@ajfrompgh), Antonio Garza (@TheWRevolution), Alex Kahrs (@power2thesmarks) , Ed Burke (@EdBurke37), Bobbyfjtown (@bobbyfjtown) and The Matthew and Jennifer Carlins Foundation for Podcast Betterment (@MainstreamMat and @JenCarlins)! You can support the show too atPatreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow !
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
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