Wrestling Mayhem Show 554: Canada Dry Jaxon Argos
We’ve got the return of Mayhem Mania for Wrestling Mayhem Show 554. And, we’ve got the IWC Rookie of the Year, Jaxon Argos, for a live, in studio appearance with Aaron, Matt, Sorg, Mike, and Wheelz.
- We’re prepping for some WMS Gold! (Which you can get by becoming a member of our Pocky Club on Patreon.)
- Jaxon Argos is sticking around for this week’s Mayhem Show with Matt, Aaron, Hot Wheelz, Mad Mike, and Sorg.
- Jaxon Argos’ merch smells like Tim Hortons…because he’s Canadian.
- Mayhem Mania returns TONIGHT! (with Matt Carlins)
- Mad Mike did some science for this week’s show.
- Aaron weighs in with his 205 Live update and an Umbrella match?
- Jaxon Argos has an Instagram contest running. Check him out over on Instagram to see how to enter.
- We’ve got a LIVE interview for Indy Mayhem with Shane Taylor this Sunday.
- Are you a Patreon supporter of the show? Remember Matt’s special Patreon In The Bank.
- Aaron is happy that his 2017 prediction CAME TRUE! Kurt Angle will return to the WWE (WWE Hall of Fame)!
- A Steve Austin podcast with Kurt Angle needs to happen now.
- Mayhem Bump finally went through for Kurt Angle!
- We’re speculating on who else will be announced for WWE Hall of Fame inductions this year.
- Retired wrestlers still do things that make them relevant to the industry.
- Lance Storm’s WWE Hall of Fame induction speech would be amazing!
- Tiny British Wrestlers Duke It Out! (WWE UK Championship Tournament).
- We have some great things to say about the WWE UK Championship Tournament from this past weekend.
- Good news (?) for Canada: They can find TNA more readily now!
- Welcome to the recurring segment: Mad Mike’s math segment.
- Mad Mike talks the amount of talent RAW has, plus an extra hour of programming. What are they doing with it?
- Who wore it better? Blue spandex. La Luchadora.
- If you don’t like the wrestling you’re watching, FIND DIFFERENT WRESTLING (there’s plenty out there now).
- Jerry Lawler is relevant again after tonight! AND WE LOVE IT!
- Smackdown was so good that even Hotwheelz stood up and applauded!
- Rizz did his Rizz Plays Games Royal Rumble plays.
- Mad Mike brought us around to Matt Cross’ tweet of Triple H with a pic with a Lucha Underground cake!
- WMS presents Smack Talk Theater with Dj Lunchbox COMING SOON!
- We’re back with this week’s Big Question: What tournaments would you like to see WWE do next?
- It’s time. It is finally time for THE RETURN OF Mayhem Mania!
- Rusev is our favorite Total Diva.
- What did YOU learn from wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Jaxon Argos (@JaXonArgos), Aaron Parkus (@MutilatorLarry), Matt Carlins (@MainstreamMat), Mike Sorg (@sorgatron), Mike Rohrssen (@MadMike4883), and Erin West (@HotwheelzRWA).
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
Tags:"triple h" 205 live Big Question canada Contest hall of fame Hall of Fame Induction Indy Mayhem Instagram Jaxon Argos jerry lawler Jerry The King Lawler kurt angle La Luchadora Lance Storm lucha underground Math matt cross Mayhem Bump mayhem mania Mickie James Patreon Patreon In The Bank podcast raw Retired Wrestler ring of honor Rizz Plays Games roh royal rumble rusev Science shane taylor Smack Talk Theater smackdown steve austin Stone Cold stone cold steve austin The King Tim Hortons TNA total divas Umbrella wwe wwe hall of fame wwe raw wwe smackdown WWE UK Championship Tournament WWEUKCT
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[…] fun began this past Tuesday on Wrestling Mayhem Show 554. 8 people were assembled. Each created one […]