Wrestling Mayhem Show 561: Brought To You By Impact Snow Peas
We’ve got a couch (both in studio and on the internets) full of our WMS stable, including Sorg, Chad the Shad, Mutilator Larry, Wheelz, Mad Mike, and Mainstream Matt for Wrestling Mayhem Show 561. Of course, we talked what’s happening in the world of wrestling this week, including:
- Fastlane, or more accurately Sunday Night RAW happened this weekend. We shared some thoughts.
- Speaking of RAW, what is WWE doing?!?!
- PSA: Please practice safe forklift-ing. Thanks WWE.
- WWE booking speculation – It’s Road Dogg throwing darts at a dart board.
- Smackdown Live is so good that we even look forward to the post-show talk.
- Hardy Boys. So….Who saw Ring of Honor?
- We’re excited about Bubba Ray Dudley in Ring of Honor. Bubba Ray v. Dalton Castle plz.
- Will Velvet Sky show up in Ring of Honor? Velvet Sky v Remy? (After the pregnancy, of course.)
- TNA is deteriorating – just like our very own Ultimate X the Owl.
- The new TNA logo went the Jem and the Holograms exclamation point route?
- Why is that when TNA moves, it’s always on “standard” TV, yet when Ring of Honor moves, it’s never where we can find it?
- This week’s Big Question: Is Enzo holding Big Cass back or propping him up?
- Lucha Underground is coming to Netflix! Homework Mayhemmers: Get caught up!
- It is time. It is time once again for Mayhem Mania with Mat.
- If you’re not paying attention to Mayhem Mania, you might want to start. This week we have THE WHEEL OF 205LIVE!
- What did YOU learn from wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Chad the Shad (@ChadTheShad), Mutilator Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Wheelz (@HotwheelzRWA ), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), and Mainstream Matt (@MainstreamMat)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice)and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
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[…] That brings us to this week’s players. They had the usual three options this past Tuesday night on Wrestling Mayhem Show 561. […]