Wrestling Mayhem Show 566: Shaken Superstar Syndrome
Our Philidelpha Connection Returns! Vaughn Johnson, writer on Philly.com’s The Squared Circle joins Sorg, Bobby, Larry, and Chad the Shad making sense of the WWE Superstar Shakeup for Wrestling Mayhem Show 566. Of course, we talked what’s happening in the world of wrestling this week, including:
- We dive into the ups and downs of the WWE Superstar Shakeup. Who came out on top between WWE RAW and WWE Smackdown?
- Bullying in WWE? What happened to Mauro Ranallo and is the alleged JBL bullying to blame?
- Secondary Big Question: What 1 final move would you like to make in the Superstar Shakeup?
- Kane (Glenn Jacobs) is running for mayor!
- Sorg recaps the weekend where the Hardy Boyz visited International Wrestling Cartel‘s Night of the Superstars 6 with the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships!
- What did we learn from wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Vaughn Johnson (@VaughnMJohnson), BobbyFJTown (@bobbyfjtown) , Larry (@MutilatorLarry), and Chad (@ChadTheShad)!
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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