Wrestling Mayhem Show 586: My Wife’s the Best Heel Ever
This week we’ve got a drastic night-and-day difference from last week, but it’s a great show with Shirley Doe joining us in studio. Between the amazing stories and his great personality, we could go on talking about wrestling all night. Thanks to Producer Missy for keeping the mayhem under control as much as she can this week as she’s wrangling Sorg, Rob, Mad Mike, Chad the Shad, and Larry as they talk about all the things in wrestling this week, including:
- We’ve been doing this for 586 nights? Wow.
- If you haven’t seen the Mae Young Classic, shame on you! Your penance is to not listen to the show (yet).
- Larry is sharing how his thoughts on the Mae Young Classic changed from Round 1 to Round 2.
- We have some shared thoughts on the Mae Young Classic Round 1 matches.
- Shirley Doe wrestled Lita? The things we learn on this show!
- If you’re curious about where we are in the wrestling timeline, two words: Essa. Rios.
- We found Rizz a new best friend!!!
- You know you have the right crew of people when your conversation goes from video games to wrestling fluidly.
- Shirley Doe is matchmaking this week.
- Is Bianca Belair’s hair a foreign object?
- Is WWE going to develop a Total Divas for the NXT roster? (We would totally watch it if they did.)
- We’re talking some thoughts on who we want to see win the Mae Young Classic.
- We’re talking some Four Horsewomen options.
- The Ring of Honor championship “belt” is now a ring? (Or Nick Lendl got engaged to Cody Rhodes this week.)
- Rings? Do we get Captain Planet or Green Lantern with this move in Ring of Honor?
- We’re talking the various Royal Rumble betting options that are out there.
- Looks like Larry has commented about a stupid hat. It’s only fitting he wear the Mayhem Dunce Cap.
- This week’s Big Question: With the recent Sexy Star incident, how are they going to kill her off Lucha Underground?
- We’re sharing some thoughts about things like Shane McMahon being in the ring. Should he even be there?
- There’s no more Carmsworth?
- What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
- There should be no drive-thru where the champ eats.
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mutilator Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Chad the Shad (@ChadTheShad), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), and Rob Brown (@RobBrownPA78)!
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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