Wrestling Mayhem Show 588: World’s Strongest Soccer Mom
The Locked ‘n Loaded best-dressed guest ante has been accepted and upped. This week, we’ve got IWC rookie Calvin Couture in studio, and he brought his A-game, replete with his bow tie and sequinned jacket. He outshines, almost literally, our crew of Sorg, Chad the Shad, Mutilator Larry, and Bobby F J-Town as we talk this week in wrestling:
- There’s a WWE pay-per-view this weekend! (And, we’re going to play some video games.)
- So John Cena and Roman Reigns?
- What was with Roman Reigns pulling out Rock v John Cena promos?
- Chad is sharing some thoughts about how good WWE teams are these days.
- When’s the last time we saw a rivalry for something other than a belt?
- Are we setting up a Wyatt Family v Club feud?
- Putting it here so it’s in writing: Someone just threw out Goldust as Finn Balor’s dad.
- Are we going to see an Emma win?
- Apparently WWE broke Jordan and Gable up too soon. Why?!?!
- We need some Surf Dudes With Attitudes in WWE.
- Starcade is happening?
- Is there a chance we’ll see Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes team up for Starcade?
- Speaking of Starcade, WrestleCade is also in North Carolina the same weekend?
- NXT should takeover the old WCW and ECW pay-per-view titles.
- Crack beers like Stone Cold in Point State Park is an actual event here in Pittsburgh!
- Sorg is stuck on TNA like a fly on a bug zapper. He just can’t turn away.
- This week’s Big Question: Who would make a good 2017 addition to the Heenan family?
- What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Calvin Couture (@calvin_couture), Sorg (@Sorgatron), Chad the Shad (@ChadTheShad), Larry (@MutilatorLarry) and Bobby F J-Town (@BobbyFJtown)!
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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