Wrestling Mayhem Show 611: Deep Into MayhemMania Season
We couldn’t have planned this week’s in-studio guest any better if we tried. Marcus Mann joins us on the big purple couch to talk about the road to WrestleMania! He’s joined by Rob, Larry, Sorg, Mad Mike, and Mainstream Matt as they talk about:
- We’ve got the RYSE Wrestling Head of Talent Relations, Marcus Mann, on the sofa this week!
- Sorg was in Florida over the weekend, and had a chance to visit the Hulk Hogan shop down there.
- Marcus Mann is sharing some updates about what they’re up to down at RYSE Wrestling. Want to check it out? Head over to www.indywrestling.us
- We’ll be getting to some Fastlane and WrestleMania talk shortly. But first – John Cena has a Road to WrestleMania and Marcus couldn’t be happier.
- John Cena broke RAW.
- We’re breaking down an interesting comparison between John Cena, Hulk Hogan, and Chris Jericho.
- It’s the wrestler’s responsibility to take that #1 spot. If someone isn’t taking that spot, then it really belongs to the guy at the top. (In this case John Cena.)
- Vince McMahon will not give anyone a Jr. suffix because he feels it is demeaning.
- Sorg apparently ran into Paige at an ICP show last week?
- Fastlane happened this weekend, and we’ve got a clearer picture about what we’ll be seeing at WrestleMania.
- We found out Marcus Mann is apparently a huge Brock Lesnar fan, in addition to being a John Cena fan…and a Chris Jericho fan…
- We’re taking a trip down memory lane…to Summer Slam 2002.
- You think Brock Lesnar could kill a person – watch him punch Braun Strowman in the face. He’s the closest thing we can get to a Bruiser Brody.
- Are we setting ourselves up for disappointment by setting our expectations too high for WrestleMania?
- Thanks to The Bar we can no longer take discussions regarding setting the bar seriously.
- When ranking WrestleMania events, which one is the “average” by which you should set your expectations by?
- It’s time for MayhemMania! Let’s see what havoc we can wreak this week!
- It’s getting near time for Patreon in the Bank. Are you a supporter of the show so you can get in on it https://www.patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow
- What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Thanks to Tonio Garza (@TheWRevolution) for putting together graphics for MayhemMania.
Our good friend, Rizz is raising money and awareness through the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation Team Pittsburgh 2018 Pittsburgh Marathon. Check out his fundraiser page at: https://www.crowdrise.com/dsgfpitt2018/fundraiser/zachrizza
Follow our stable on Twitter: Matt (@MainstreamMat), Rob (@RobBrownPA78), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), Sorg (@Sorgatron), and Mutilator Larry (@MutilatorLarry)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!
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About Author sorgatron
A wrestling fan since he was a wee little lad. Sorg fondly remembers the big blue cage that Hogan and Orndorf jumped to the floor off of at the same time fondly. Founding the Wrestling Mayhem Show in 2006, he spreads his love of the "sport" of wrestling to all.