Mad Mike T-Shirt Contest!
Howdy Mayhemers, your lovable Bronxian ball of rage Mad Mike here.
As heard at the end of this past week’s Wrestling Mayhem Show, I have devised a little contest for you, our Mayhem Universe.
As you know we have a Mayhem Show Shop located at and as Sorg informed everyone this past week, you can make your very own shirt representing the Wrestling Mayhem Show.
Now as for this contest, as you know I have a veritable treasure trove of fun wrestling related paraphernalia in my prize packs, and some of the stuff is pretty awesome.
Now the contest is as follows, if you make your very own Wrestling Mayhem Show shirt and send us a picture of you wearing it at, you will be entered into the running for all sorts of goodies including but not limited to exclusive action figures, WWE or TNA DVDs, and maybe if you can really impress me, an autograph of The Miz.
Yes, THE Miz. The Awesome one.
Now remember I will be the main judge in this contest, so I’m sure each and all of you know the way to my funny bone by this point. So if someone wanted to make a shirt mocking the Hardy Boyz logo with syringes and McDonald’s french fries, and have it say Meth and Fatt Hardy, then go nuts!
P.S. Try to come up with something else, because I just came up with that.
So happy shirt designing kids, and as far as a deadline for this, I’ll give it until the end of the year.
Go Team Mayhem!