Mayhem Draft: Week 2
On Wrestling Mayhem Show 524, the Wrestling Mayhem Draft continued with full force, as Team Raw (Sorgatron, Rizz, Alex Kahrs, HotWheelz & Dudders) and Team Smackdown (Eamon, Mad Mike, Matt Carlins, BobbyFJTown & Tonio Garza) drafted their next ten roster members.
For those unaware, these are the rules that had to be abided by.
- Each week there will be ten draft picks made by each team, resulting in 40 members on each team’s roster.
- Only individuals can be drafted. In order to draft a tag team or stable, you must draft each individual of that team separately.
- Only the in ring wrestlers listed below can be drafted. Managers will be included as a package with the wrestler that they manage.
- Championship belts that are held by members of the current roster will not be included if they are drafted. It will be implied that each team will have their own championships in play on their shows (1 Heavyweight Title, 1 Mid Card Title, 1 Tag Team Title & 1 Women’s Title).
With that, let’s see how things shaked out in Round 2!
1. Seth Rollins
2. Finn Balor
3. Kofi Kingston
4. Bray Wyatt
5. Dean Ambrose
6. Big E
7. AJ Styles
8. Cesaro
9. Rusev
10. Roman Reigns
11. The Miz
12. Big Cass
13. Charlotte
14. Baron Corbin
15. Apollo Crews
16. Kalisto
17. Luke Gallows
18. Bubba Ray Dudley
19. Tyler Breeze
20. Paige
1. Kevin Owens
2. Brock Lesnar
3. John Cena
4. Sasha Banks
5. Samoa Joe
6. Bayley
7. Sami Zayn
8. Shinsuke Nakamura
9. Chad Gable
10. Asuka
11. Enzo Amore
12. Xavier Woods
13. Luke Harper
14. Chris Jericho
15. Jason Jordan
16. Karl Anderson
17. Neville
18. Scott Dawson
19. Becky Lynch
20. The Undertaker
Next week, another 20 superstars will be drafted! Tune in to Wrestling Mayhem Show 525 to see how it all takes shape!
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[…] https://www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com/mayhem-draft-week-2/ Before I release the next 10 on my roster, I’m going to comment on the Mayhem show’s week 2 picks. […]