Mayhem Mailbag for November 27th 2012
We love it on the Wrestling Mayhem Show when our fan’s email us and tell us what they think about the week in wrestling. So here are our fan’s thoughts in this week’s MAYHEM MAILBAG!
From Big PPC Phil
Twitter: @bigppc
Hey hey hey wrestling mayhem crew!
It’s @bigppc
Going to be a short email this week.
I would like to say that I enjoyed raw but did not get to see all of it. Shit happens. Gotta do the wife. Put kids to bed. Work every day. It’s the way it goes. We can’t all be 19 with no responsibilities. This means you Wrestlefan.
There may be a chance that if I find time before the show is started I may do a voice mail. We will see.
So quick question this week.
If you could bring back any past title belt and who would be the champion holding it?
I would bring back the European title or the tv title. Miz is tv champ. Antonio Ceasaro should have the very European championship.
Couple quick thoughts on wrestling this week. The shield is cool but not sure about the name. Ryback get what ryback wants evidentially.
Cena is irresistibly penis and lip crazy with aj. Never get it up! In stead of never give up! Haha!
Fav 5 this week
D bry
Piss poor 5
Gunner from TNA
Randy stupid face Orton
He is a snake my ass!
If possible plz do fav 5 and piss poor 5 with the others on show
Till next week it’s me it’s me it’s @bigppc
Take care mayhem crew
From El Gran Azul
Twitter: @EGAOle
Hola, amigos!
Es mi, es mi, es El Gran Azul. Yo soy thankful for turkey, even when it’s just rotisserie chicken. I’m still recovering from the coma de comida, so my usual Spanish/English email format is not happening this week. Ole!
Wrestling is good, wrestling is bueno, wrestling is FUN! Ole!
From Alexander Kahrs
Twitter: @akahrs
Hello 10 Percenters and WMSers,
Thanksgiving is over, but I’m still thankful for a lot of stuff in wrestling and life in general. I’m thankful for a legitimate website for this Occupy Pro Wrestling project (shameless plug for PowerToTheSmarks.com, if you’ll allow it please). I’m thankful for great wrestling, mostly from the indy circuit. Last but not least, I’m thankful for Joey Ryan, who proved that a starry-eyed man from SoCal can make it to the big leagues (or in this case, TNA). Thank you for the great indy memories, Joey Ryan. If I can make it to his last PWG appearance this Saturday, I’ll give you guys some sort of recap.
Oh, and I’m thankful for turkey enchiladas, which is what we used a lot of the leftover turkey for. Delicious.
– AlexK, Occupy Pro Wrestling (http://powertothesmarks.com)
From wheely
Don’t really get this shield mob. they’re talking GM this and B.O.D ultimately answering to the wweverse. i get the twitter kane bash but why no rey bash cause D-Bry lost twitter vote. and why ryback in the first place, that was vince and so was the rematch. both matches sucked by the way. are these guys just gonna affect cm punk matches like they’re speculating{ injustice- using same terms as heyman }. I bet all 3 are copping a good flogging soon in the same match at the hands of ryback. hope they can sheild themselves from that booking. they better attack sheamus, he lost and then lost his rematch so it’s an injustice he gets another shot. BIG SHOW! YEAAHHH BOOOYYYY!!!!
hogan’s ruining everything!
From Rizz
Twitter: @Theerizz
You thought you can get rid of me that easily for Bo Fucking Diggity? Think I’m going to just sit on the sidelines and watch on live.sorgatronmedia.com with the rest of those guys in the chat?! Fuck that shit! FUCK THAT SHIT! I’M E-MAILING THE SHOW! YA!
Fuck what everyone thinks!
I have no problem with The Shield promo (minus Chiklas).
I DO have a problem with Vince McMahon spending a fuckload of money on a losing campaign and THEN parody the “popular vote v. electoral college” with the Kane and Daniel Bryan shitfuck that happened last night.
I don’t have a problem with making new friends with Devon
I DO have a problem with the fact that my new friend Devon doesn’t know sarcasm. Nor does he know that I know that he is trying to play off the fact that he tweeted a parody Hacksaw Jim Duggan account believing he was THE REAL FUCKING HACKSAW! Don’t be a douche bag, be a tough guy, TOUGH GUY! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (No, seriously, Devon’s a fucking idiot)
I don’t have a problem with I have no problem with Chachi, Sorg, Bo F. Diggity and DJ Lunchbox.
I DO have a problem with Wrestlefan (don’t ask why, it’s a long list that begins and end with the Indy Minute).
I don’t have a problem with changing my Twitter handler to @TheeRizz (That’s at-sign T-H-E-E-R-I-Z-Z).
I DO have a problem with Wrestlefan and his stupid movie choices!
Until next time (Actual tweet from @HacksawJDugan: “I accidentally stuffed my Thanksgiving Turkey with magic mushrooms and I thought I was Papa Shango for 2 days. HooOooOoo! USA! USA! USA!”),
Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rizz
If you wanna be on next weeks Mayhem Mailbag, email us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com about anything you wanna say about the week in wrestling!