Mayhem Mania 2018: Week 5
This. is. Mayhem Mania!
Not quite a game. Not really a contest. More like a competitive thought experiment. The object is to create the best WrestleMania card possible – NOT necessarily to predict what WWE will do.
This is not fantasy booking. It’s more like reality booking. Any match created must have at least a chance of happening in this year’s WrestleMania. That means all wrestlers come in their current physical, emotional and contractual state. Anyone selected for a match must have a reasonable chance of being hired by WWE to appear on the real-life WrestleMania card.
Simply put, you’re Vince McMahon with infinite cash and no self-control.
Catch up with Mayhem Mania 2018: Week 1 – Week 2 – Week 3 – Week 4
What an eventful Week 5 in Mayhem Mania 2018. First, Dave Podnar was the winner of the first ELIMINATION CHAMBER CHALLENGE! He correctly predicted Roman Reigns would win the men’s Chamber match and earned himself the right to make the first move in Week 5. We’ll be doing a FASTLANE CHALLENGE as well. Check out TALKING Mayhem Mania for more on that.
In Week 5 of Mayhem Mania 2018, each of our five players were invited to make a single change to the card. They have FOUR options.
1. SWAP a wrestler/tag team for one already on the card, or bring for a name not currently on the card.
2. ADD an unused wrestler/tag team to an existing match.
3. KILL a match AND CREATE an entirely new match with wrestlers not currently on the card.
4. SUBTRACT anyone person or team from the card. (This option as available exclusively during Week 5 of Mayhem Mania)
With all that said, here’s how it will went down on Episode 609 of the Wrestling Mayhem Show.
Mayhem Mania 2018: Week 5
Move 1: Dave Podnar
SWAP EC3 for Velveteen Dream
Move 2: @MadMike4883
SUBTRACT Roderick Strong
Move 3: @RebelliousFlaw
KILL Asuka vs. Charlotte vs. Nikki Cross vs. Ronda Rousey and CREATE Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
Move 4: @HotWheelzRWA
ADD Samoa Joe to AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole
Move 5: @BeastmanHusk
KILL Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin vs. The Bar vs. The Revival vs. Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly and CREATE Honky Tonk Man & Rockabilly vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Roadie.
With the Week 5 moves now in the books, here are the four newly created matches on our card.
Honky Tonk Man & Rockabilly vs. Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie
(Created by @BeastmanHusk)

AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe
(Created by @HotWheelzRWA)

Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
(Created by @RebelliousFlaw)

Elias vs. Velveteen Dream
(Created by Dave Podnar)

And here are the matches that survived Week 5 without being altered in any way.



The fourth surviving match from Week 5 is also the first this year to survive three straight weeks without being altered in any way. That means Trevor “Ricochet” Mann vs. Pete Dunne GRADUATES to the SUPER CARD of Mayhem Mania 2018.
Mayhem Mania 2018 SUPER CARD!
Trevor “Ricochet” Mann vs. Pete Dunne
(Created by @MadMike4883)

As creator of the graduating match, Mad Mike is entitled to several rewards. First, and most necessary, he will create a new match to fill the open slot in our “undercard” before the Week 6 moves commence. He’ll get to hand out a dose of punishment to another player. Finally, he’ll get an ELIMINATOR, which he can use at any time to ELIMINATE any human being not currently on our card from being eligible for use in this year’s Mayhem Mania.
In addition, Mad Mike is the latest application of the “Alex Kahrs Rule” due to his match not surviving to the end of Week 5’s round. Thus, he will get the last move in Week 6. That’s right. He’s not only batting lead-off, he’s batting cleanup too. God help us all.
For those of you that just can’t get enough Mad Mike, here he is taking part in the 10-minute giggle fest that was this past week’s episode of the HOTTEST show on the internet: TALKING Mayhem Mania!
Thanks for being part of Mayhem Mania, and join us for next week’s episode entitled “Beastman For Rookie Of The Year” or “I Told You Double J Deserved To Be On This Card!”.
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[…] Catch up with Mayhem Mania 2018: Week 1 – Week 2 – Week 3 – Week 4 – Week 5 […]