WMS 229 Preview: Joe Dombrowski Returns

Leave your questions and comments for the show at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com or 412-206-WMS0 (412-206-9670)! Join us live at WrestlingMayhemShow.com, SorgatronMedia.com, or download the show later on Blip.tv, iTune, Talkshoe, Roku, and other outlets!
This week on Mayhem, we welcome back Ring of Honor, IWC, and PWO announcer, rapper, and friend of the show Joe Dombrowski back to the show. We’re gearing up for PWO’s Wrestlution 3 in Cleveland, OH, ask about the fable Pittsburgh wrestling legend of the Dream Machine vest, and ask how Jim Cornette really is to work with (after recently pairing with him at the announce table on the most recent Ring of Honor iPPV). All this and more!
Leave your questions and comments for the show at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com or 412-206-WMS0 (412-206-9670)! Join us live at WrestlingMayhemShow.com, SorgatronMedia.com, or download the show later on Blip.tv, iTune, Talkshoe, Roku, and other outlets!