Home » Show Description » Wrestling Mayhem Show 199: A Very Mayhem Christmas

Wrestling Mayhem Show 199: A Very Mayhem Christmas

Once again, it’s Christmas, and all of the Mayhemers are coming together to celebrate the season.  Mayhem Missie and Doc Remedy return to the studio.  IWC Champion Jimmy Demarco leaves us with a Christmas poem.  We reflect on the year that has passed in professional wrestling and MMA, and look to the future of Mayhem.  SorgDJLunchbox, wrestlefan2000, and Mad Mike,

This is Episode 199 for Tuesday, December 22, 2009. You can get the episode here on Talkshoe, subscribe, and as always, stay tuned to www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern on Talkshoe.comand Ustream.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com! Don’t forget you can find links related to the show’s news stories and more at our Delicious Links Page for Episode 199!

This week’s merry musical mayhem by:

“Grandma’s Christmas Dinner” by Paul and Storm

“Podsafe Christmas Song” and “Christmas is Interesting” by Jonathan Coulton