Wrestling Mayhem Show 361: It doesn’t have to be big to look good on TVt
This week Sorg, Lunchbox, Wrestlefan, Bobbyfjtown, and Rizz are hot off of RAW in our backyard in Pittsburgh and how the 3 hour live show comes off in person, what it means to be a wrestling fan, Sorg goes off about indy wrestling productions and the worth of TV, check in on TNA, indy wrestling, and more!
You can get this episode here on Talkshoe, Blip.tv, subscribe to the audio or video versions on iTunes, look us up on Youtube, Roku, or Boxee, and as always, stay tuned to www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8:30 PM to 10 PM Eastern on live.sorgatronmedia.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at goodtimes@wrestlingmayhemshow.com!
WMS Gold: LB fields some new humor, we talk going the distance with Wrestlefan, and much more…